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Frequently asked questions.
Whereas, the Townships of Lake and Roscommon have heretofore provided emergency ambulance protection services for residents in the townships; and
Whereas, the residents of the Townships of Lake and Roscommon have benefited from such services; and
Whereas, such services have been provided through the HOUGHTON LAKE AMBULANCE SERVICE; and
Whereas, the HOUGHTON LAKE AMBULANCE SERVICE has provided adequate service to the residents of the Townships of Lake and Roscommon; and
Whereas, the Boards of the Townships of Lake and Roscommon see an increasing complexity in the emergency needs of the community; and
Whereas, the Boards of the Townships of Lake and Roscommon have studied alternatives to the way in which such services are delivered; and
Whereas, it appears that the changes which would result from this resolution are a major step towards a long term solution to guarantee and solidify an advanced life support ambulance service for the residents of the Townships of Lake and Roscommon;
Now therefore be it resolved:
The Townships of Lake and Roscommon, through their respective Boards acting in joint session, do hereby make, constitute and accept the Articles of Incorporation of the HOUGHTON LAKE AMBULANCE AUTHORITY, as presented on this 23rd day of February, 2004, to be effective April 1, 2004 and does hereby authorize the supervisor of the townships to execute, publish and file such Articles of Incorporation on behalf of the township.
For Lake Township: For Roscommon Township:
Ayes: Ayes:
Nays: Nays:
Motion carried on this 23rd day of February, 2004.
Cindy Russo
Lake Township Clerk Barbara Stevenson
Roscommon Township Clerk